Tourist map italy   

The map show the major popular attractions in the italian territory, and also fun fair and amusement park and a lot more point of interest. This allow you to discover the nearest point of interest in your vicinity, whereupon we add continuous new attraction to the chart.


To facilitate to find the desired destination we have created five category as follow, here you wil see a complete list:

Building and places

Entertainment, wellness and health

Park, outdoor leisure

Museum and archaeological site

Historic building and religious building


As follow some example:

Gardaland SEA LIFE Aquarium in Castelnuovo del Garda

Cappella degli Scrovegni in Padova

Museo di Palazzo Te in Mantova

Acquario Civico di Milano

Museo di Storia naturale dell'Università di Pavia

Parco Faunistico Le Cornelle in Vallbrembo